This is one of the Peacocks at the Phillips Park Zoo in Aurora IL. My mom and I went on a lunch date to see the tulips in the Sunken Garden, and stopped by to see the peacock, and he obliged us with a show. Isn't he gorgeous?
These super fuzzy looking bears are what I got the pleasure to hold in the Craft Mall in Wisconsin Dells. We were on our way to Mirror Lake to camp out, and I saw Craft Mall on a giant sign, and well, it called to me ;) These bears sold by Silver Creek Farm are made with Alpaca wool, and they are SO soft and I wanted to buy one so bad. One for me, and one for all my friends! haha.

This is the lake. It was a lovely day to paddle, and there was hardly anyone else out with us. We called the people who rent boats and they came out special for us :) It was so quiet and peaceful, and on our outing we got the pleasure of spotting the following list of creatures: Bald Eagle (I saw him dive through the binoculars!), Turkey Vulture, Sandhill Cranes, Blue Herons, Geese, Ducks, Muskrats, a baby Fox, a Doe, a LOT of swallows, and little funny birds with long beaks. I don't remember what Andrew called them. Definitely the best paddling outing as far as wildlife goes. Of course Mirror Lake has nothing on Canada as far as how clear the water was. But it was SO calm, which was super nice and relaxing as far as paddling goes.
This is the best shot I got of any of the birds. There were a couple roaming together on land, and I had to hold my camera up and over the ledge of grass and hope for a good shot. It was pretty cool to see them up close, but they started yelling at us after a while :)
On the way home we stopped off at the House on the Rock. I debated showing you one of the hundred creepy pictures I got from that place, but in the end, this is probably the prettiest picture of the whole day. It's in the girls bathroom on the 2nd tour. It's one of those hidden gems where if you didn't have to pee, you'd probably miss it.
May was pretty fun for me despite the fact that I missed Sons of Turner Tour 2011 this month. But if you want to see how that went visit any of the son's blogs, and you'll see adventures of lobster and ocean. :)